
Sunday, September 10, 2006


Scale and clean the fish, handling it as little as possible, and
cutting it open no more than is absolutely necessary. Place it on
the strainer of a large fish-kettle and fill it up with cold
water. Throw in a handful of salt. Let it boil slowly. The length
of time depends on the size and weight of the fish. You may allow
a quarter of an hour to each pound; but experience alone can
determine the exact time. It must however be thoroughly done, as
nothing is more disgusting than fish that is under-cooked. You may
try it with a fork. Skim it well or the colour will be bad.

The minute it is completely boiled, lift up the strainer and rest
it across the top of the kettle, that the fish may drain, and
then, if you cannot send it to table immediately, cover it with a
soft napkin or flannel several folds double, to keep it firm by
absorbing the moisture.

Send it to table on a hot dish. Garnish with scraped horseradish
and curled parsley. Have ready a small tureen of lobster sauce to
accompany the salmon.

Take what is left of it after dinner, and put it into a deep dish
with a close cover. Having saved some of the water in which the
fish was boiled, take a quart of it, and season it with half an
ounce of whole pepper, and half an ounce of whole allspice, half a
pint of the best vinegar, and a tea-spoonful of salt. Boil it; and
when cold, pour it over the fish, and cover it closely again. In a
cold place, and set on ice, it will keep a day or two, and may be
eaten at breakfast or supper.

If much of the salmon has been left, you must proportion a larger
quantity of the pickle.

Boil salmon trout in a similar manner.


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