
Sunday, September 10, 2006


Take a hundred clams, well washed, and put them into a large pot
of boiling water. This will cause the shells to open. As they open
take them out, and extract the clams, taking care to save the
liquor. Mix with the liquor a quart of water, (or what will be
much better, a quart of milk,) and thicken it with butter rolled
in flour. Add a large bunch of parsley tied up, and a large table-spoonful
of whole pepper. Put the liquid into a pot over a
moderate fire. Make some little round dumplings (about the size of
a hickory nut) of flour and butter, and put them into the soup.
When it comes to a boil, put in the clams, and keep them boiling
an hour. Take them out before you send the soup to table.

When the soup is done, take out the bunch of parsley. Have ready
some toasted bread cut into small squares or dice. Put it into the
soup before you send it to table.

You may make oyster soup in a similar manner.


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