
Sunday, September 10, 2006


Take a quarter of an ounce of China turmeric, the third of an
ounce of cassia, three drachms of black pepper, two drachms of
cayenne pepper, and an ounce of coriander seeds. These must all be
pounded fine in a mortar, and well mixed and sifted. They will
make sufficient curry powder for the following quantity of soup:

Take two large fowls, or three pounds of the lean of veal. Cut the
flesh entirely from the bones in small pieces, and put it into a
stew-pan with two quarts of water. Let it boil slowly for half an
hour, skimming it well. Prepare four large onions, minced and
fried in two ounces of butter. Add to them the curry powder and
moisten the whole with broth from the stew-pan, mixed with a
little rice flour. When thoroughly mixed, stir the seasoning into
the soup, and simmer it till it is as smooth and thick as cream,
and till the chicken or veal is perfectly tender. Then stir into
it the juice of a lemon; and five minutes after take up the soup,
with the meat in it, and serve it in the tureen.

Send to table separately, boiled rice on a hot-water dish to keep
it warm, The rice is to be put into the plates of soup by those
who eat it.

To boil rice for this soup in the East India fashion:--Pick and
wash half a pound in warm water. Put it into a sauce-pan. Pour two
quarts of boiling water over it, and cover the pan closely. Set it
in a warm place by the fire, to cook gradually in the hot water.
In an hour pour off all the water, and setting the pan on hot
coals, stir up and toss the rice with a fork, so as to separate
the grains, and to dry without hardening it. Do not use a spoon,
as that will not loosen the grains sufficiently.


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